Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Animation, Renderings and what nots
Have completed animating the automated process of the blinking printer lights and have set some scenes into the render queue. Have proceeded to pencil tests on the jumping sequence for the parents. Will use the stills from that as a reference when i start animating the automated parents sequence next. Here's the test sequence.
Will start thinking of keyposes and acting over the weekend and come up with references for animating UNmarked. There are 2 ways that i'm thinking of doing this:
1. Capturing live acting on a DV cam and extrapolate/exaggerate the movements on UNmarked.
2. Draw basic poses on paper and run it through the pencil tester to get the acting part right.

Will start thinking of keyposes and acting over the weekend and come up with references for animating UNmarked. There are 2 ways that i'm thinking of doing this:
1. Capturing live acting on a DV cam and extrapolate/exaggerate the movements on UNmarked.
2. Draw basic poses on paper and run it through the pencil tester to get the acting part right.